Sound Calibration

Audiometer Calibration

YVES Laboratory is a trusted sound level calibrator,offering decibel meter calibration to ensure your devices are performing at their best. This includes testing and calibration of audiometric equipment for hospitals, hearing clinics, GPs, councils, and the music industry.

Because prolonged exposure to 85 decibels or more can lead to hearing loss, the accuracy of audiometric equipment is an extremely important safety concern. Whether it’s being used in a noise pollution study, to monitor conditions at a concert venue, measure sound levels at a construction site, or to test the effectiveness of hearing protection products, measurements need to be precise. Because age and use over time can compromise this precision, it’s vital that you enlist the help of periodic sound level meter calibration to monitor performance.

How We Can Help

As a leading sound level calibrator, YVES Laboratory can provide reliable audiometer calibration either at our facility or onsite at your premises. Our services are thorough but efficient, meaning turnaround is maximised and downtime is minimised. But above all, YVES’s decibel meter calibration gives you peace of mind on the performance of your equipment.

For more information on our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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